Get Involved

Aging Study Participation

​The Dynamic Memory Lab is looking for adults (60-90 years old) to participate in a study investigating the neural underpinnings of human memory and executive function. The study will last 3 hours and will involve performing a memory task while activity from the brain is recorded via fMRI. You will be compensated with payment for your participation. If you have any questions or are interested in participating: please contact our email (

RANG511 Participation

The Dynamic Memory Lab is looking for adults to participate in a study investigating neural drift and memory. Participants will be seated at a computer, watching a series of videos and indicating when you believe new events have commenced. Participants are compensated at a rate of $15/hour. Please visit the following study link on SONA to sign up.

Undergraduate Research Assistants

We are looking for research assistants periodically, depending on the needs of the projects of our graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. Please fill out the following Google form and include a resume if you are interested in being considered for a position in the future.

person in MRI

Memory and Plasticity (MAP) Program

​The Memory and Plasticity (MAP) program is central hub for learning and memory research and education at UC Davis, stimulating interactions that bridge the gap between cellular, systems, and cognitive neuroscience, cognitive and developmental psychology, and psychiatry and neurology. The Undergraduate Mentorship Program is aimed specifically at sophomore and junior undergraduate students, who would like to commit an extended amount of time to research during their tenure at Davis, and gain knowledge and skills that will put them ahead for grad school and beyond.